Sunday, 19 May 2013

Gundam MS 08th Diorama

Taken a bit of a break from the current workbench workload.

I've watched Gundam MS08th recently and thought a Gun Sniper dio would be a nice little change.
So to make this one more interesting, A Gun Sniper about to take out a Zaku.

So to get the ball rolling here we go.

The 2 kits are the BanDai 1/144 HG GM Sniper and the 1/144 HG MS-06J Zaku II.

RAN Sea King 50th Anniversary

Its been awhile between updates.

I have moved abit further on the Sea King.  Primer and Paint applied and found a few mistakes and the paint finish ended up being grainy, so I have to redo it.  I will post the paint update as soon as I've finished.